Harry Gruyaert


22-26 May 2025
Istanbul, Turkey

About the

Harry Gruyaert rarely conducts workshops. These 5-days will be a unique and intense opportunity to be taught and inspired by this highly influential photographer.
The theme of the workshop is A Sense of Place. Participating photographers are expected to produce a body of work to be presented on the last day of the workshop to a public audience.
Istanbul is the vibrant location where participants will be encouraged to wander the streets, and visually absorb the rich diversity of this city, allowing chance encounters to discover photographic possibilities.
Workshop structure

Day 1: Harry Gruyaert will present his work and methodologies of his working practise. As well as his photography he will show a film series called A Sense of Place, which is also the theme of the workshop. Participants will introduce themselves to the group and present their portfolio.

Day 2: Participants will discuss project ideas to the group and will begin photographing on the streets of Istanbul.

Day 3: Participants will begin the process of presenting the work made on Day 2, in a group critique session. Participants will then continue shooting on the streets of Istanbul.

Day 4: The same as Day 3 and one to one tutorials with Harry Gruyaert.

Day 5: A busy day to edit and sequence photographs for a presentation in the evening to a public audience.

To conclude the workshop on the the final evening there will be an event and presentation of the projects produced, in the form of a slide show, to a public audience. Followed by a presentation and talk by Harry Gruyaert.

Harry Gruyaert is a pioneer of European colour photography. Since the 1970’s Gruyaert has developed an extraordinary poetic oeuvre of intensely complex images, captured on his travels in many parts of the world. Gruyaert has a dérive sensibility, photographing portals into the multi-layered urban environment and we, the viewer, are seduced both inside and outside the experience of his images. In the introduction of Gruyaert’s latest book, Between Worlds, the writer and curator, David Campany describes Gruyaert as, ‘the very embodiment of the speculative photographer, the itinerant observer, moving through the world with no greater or lesser purpose than to notice and picture it.’

About the





01 February 2025 (Early)

Earlybird price


Normal price

Fees can be paid in two installments
This price is for the workshop only, not accommodation
In order to apply for the workshop you can either send an email or fill in the following form and we will contact you. For more information about the workshop contact info@artfotomode.com Via email To submit your work you can send an email to: info@artfotomode.com, including a short C.V, a statement and a pdf file containing up to 15 images of your work. Via application form To submit your work you can fill in the following form and attach a zip folder including a short C.V, a statement and a pdf file containing up to 15 images of your work.

How to